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Well then, time to actually start writing some more technical posts. It’s been a while since I’ve written one, but might as well do it. In fact, this will be a series. As you can probably tell from the title, we’ll be recreating to my best knowledge (and hopefully with some help from you guys) the Podcasts app from Windows Phone 8.1 as a Universal app. With Windows 10 and Visual Studio 2015 just around the corner, we’ll be looking to start development using the Windows Universal App template for Windows 8.1 Store apps and switch to Windows 10 at launch.

This might be against some guidelines, but I’m guessing how most devs will switch to Windows 10. We’ll be trying to make all the components of the apps (the services, models and viewmodels) as generic as we can, so when we do make the switch, we’ll run into as little problems as possible. I expect the transition to be fairly smooth. Transitioning from a Windows 8 app to a Windows 8.1 app was fairly easy with minimum code change required. Adding a Windows Phone 8.1 app to a Windows 8.1 app (and vice-versa) and then make the switch to a Windows 8.1 Universal App was fairly easy too. Microsoft has always been great with tooling on launch, so I hope this time it won’t be any different.

I’ll be updating this post with links to the other parts as I finish writing them.


  1. Recreating the Windows Phone Podcasts app as an Universal Windows App (Part I)

Hope this works out and we’ll talk more about this in Part II (link will be updated).

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Robert Iagar


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Software Engineer. .NET Developer. Amateur Photographer. Drum & Bass DJ. Welcome to my blog!

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